சனி, 29 டிசம்பர், 2012




வேளாண் விஞ்ஞானி, பாமயன்: மதுரை மாவட்டம், டி.கல்லுப்பட்டி என்ற ஊர், மழை காணாத மானாவாரி நிலங்கள் நிறைந்த பகுதி. இந்த நிலங்கள், தண்ணீர் தேங்காத, மண் வளம் மிக்க, நெய்க் கரிசல் மண் கொண்டவை. இங்கு பருத்தி நன்கு விளையும். பூச்சித் தாக்குதலுக்கு பயந்தும், வருமானக் குறைபாடு காரணமாகவும், இவ்வூர் மக்கள், மக்காச்சோளம் பயிரிடத் துவங்கி விட்டனர்.பருத்தியை, எந்த விதத்தில் மதிப்புக் கூட்டலாம் என, யோசித்த போது, இத்தாலியைச் சேர்ந்த நெசவாளர், அலெக்சாண்ட்ரா என்பவர், பருத்தியை, சட்டையாக மாற்றும் ஐடியாவைக் கொடுத்தார்.

இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன், சோதனை முயற்சியாக, ரசாயன உரங்கள் எதையும் பயன்படுத்தாமல், பருத்தியை விளைவித்து, இயற்கை சட்டைகளை உருவாக்கினோம்."டெக்ஸ்டைல் பிரம் யுனைடெட் குரூப் இனிஷியேட்டிவ் பார் லேண்டட் குரூம்' என்பதைச் சுருக்கி, "துகில்' என, இதற்குப் பெயரிட்டோம்.
பருத்தி நூலை, கைத்தறி மூலம் துணியாக நெய்து, இயற்கை சாயங்களால் வண்ணம் பூசித் தயாராவது தான், துகில் சட்டைகள். இதன், பித்தான்கள் கூட, பிளாஸ்டிக்கால் செய்யப்படாமல், தேங்காய் கொட்டங்கச்சியால் ஆனது என்பது, சிறப்பு.

கடுக்காய், அவரி, மஞ்சிஷ்டம், வேம்பாளம் பட்டை, வெல்லம் போன்ற, 20 வகை இயற்கைப் பொருட்களால், சாயம் தயாரித்து, அதைத் தான், துகில் துணிக்கு ஏற்றுகிறோம்.
தற்போது, ஒரு துகில் சட்டையின் விலை, 600 ரூபாய். இயற்கை சாயம் இல்லாத, வெள்ளைச் சட்டைகள், 500 ரூபாய்க்குக் கிடைக்கின்றன. குழந்தைகளுக்கும், பெண்களுக்கும், இயற்கைத் துணி ஏற்றது என்பதால், அவர்களுக்கான ஆடைகளை நெய்வதில் இறங்கி உள்ளோம். பெரிய அளவில் உற்பத்தி செய்ய முடிந்தால், விலை இன்னும் குறையலாம்.
எங்கள் நோக்கம், மானாவாரி விவசாயிகளைக் காப்பதே. 10 மானாவாரி விவசாயிகள் ஒன்று சேர்ந்து இது போல் முயற்சி எடுத்தால், அவர்களின் உடல் நலம் மட்டுமின்றி, அவர்கள்
வாழ்வும் முன்னேறும்.

ஐரோப்பா இருக்கும் வரை தமிழ்மொழி சாகாது: தமிழறிஞர் சிவப்பிள்ளை

ஐரோப்பா இருக்கும் வரை தமிழ்மொழி சாகாது: தமிழறிஞர் இங்கிலாந்து சிவப்பிள்ளை பேச்சு

சிதம்பரம்:சிதம்பரம் அண்ணாமலைப் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் நேற்று துவங்கிய 11வது உலக தமிழ் இணைய மாநாட்டை துணைவேந்தர் ராமநாதன் துவக்கி வைத்தார்.கணினி, இணையம் ஆகியவற்றில் தமிழின் பயன்பாடுகள், உலகில் தமிழும், தொழில் நுட்பமும் பல நாடுகளில் செய்துவரும் ஆராய்ச்சிகள் பயன்முறைகள் பலவற்றை உலக தமிழறிஞர்கள் கலந்தாய்வு செய்யவும், தமிழர்களிடையே பரப்பவும் 11வது உலக தமிழ் இணைய மாநாடு சிதம்பரம் அண்ணாமலைப் பல்கலைக் கழக குமாராஜா முத்தையா அரங்கில் நேற்று துவங்கி வரும் 30ம் தேதி வரை நடக்கிறது.

மாநாட்டை துணைவேந்தர் ராமநாதன் தலைமை தாங்கி துவக்கி வைத்தார். மொழியியல் உயராய்வு மைய புல முதல்வர் கணேசன் வரவேற்றார். உத்தமம் அமைப்பின் தலைவர் மணிவண்ணன் தலைமை உரையாற்றினார்.இங்கிலாந்து சிவப்பிள்ளை, சிங்கப்பூர் மணியம், மலேஷியா இளந்தமிழ், இலங்கை சிவ அனுராஜ், ஆஸ்திரேலியா முகுந்த் ராமமூர்த்தி, இந்தியா ராமமூர்த்தி வாழ்த்திப் பேசினர்.

உலக நாடுகளில் இருந்த 100க்கும் மேற்பட்ட தமிழ் அறிஞர்கள், ஆராய்ச்சியாளர்கள் வருகை தந்துள்ளனர். கருத்தரங்கம், கண்காட்சி, மக்கள் கூடம் என மூன்று முனைகளில் மாநாடு நடக்கிறது. கண்காட்சி காலை 10 மணி முதல் இரவு 8 மணி வரை நடக்கிறது. பொதுமக்கள் ஆர்வமுடன் வந்து பார்த்து பொருட்களை வாங்கிச் செல்கின்றனர்.மாநாடு ஏற்பாடுகளை உத்தமம் அமைப்பின் தலைவர் மணிவண்ணன், கணித்தமிழ் சங்க தலைவர் வள்ளி ஆனந்தன் செய்துள்ளனர்.

தமிழறிஞர் இங்கிலாந்து சிவப்பிள்ளை பேச்சு: ஐரோப்பா இருக்கும் வரை தமிழ்மொழி சாகாது'' என இங்கிலாந்து சிவபிள்ளை பேசினார். சிதம்பரம் அண்ணாமலைப்பல்கலைக் கழகத்தில் நேற்று துவங்கிய உலகத்தமிழ் இணைய மாநாட்டில் பல்வேறு நாடுகளைச் சேர்ந்த தமிழறிஞர்கள் கருத்துரை வழங்கினர்.

இங்கிலாந்து நாட்டைச் சேர்ந்த சிவப்பிள்ளை பேசுகையில்,"ஐரோப்பா இருக்கும் வரை தமிழ் சாகாது. இணையதளத்தில் ஐரோப்பியா, அமெரிக்கா நாடுகளில் தமிழ் இரண்டாவது இடத்தில் உள்ளது. இங்கிலாந்தில் 326 மொழி பேசப்படுகிறது. அவற்றில் தமிழ்மொழியும் ஒன்று. அதே போன்று பயிற்சி மொழிகளில் தமிழ் மொழியும் ஒன்றாக உள்ளது' என்றார்.

மலேசியாவைச் சேர்ந்த இளந்தமிழ் பேசுகையில்," மலேசியாவில் 523 தமிழ் பள்ளிகள் உள்ளன. இதில் ஒரு லட்சத்து 3 ஆயிரம் மாணவர்கள் படிக்கின்றனர். அரசு சார்பில் நிதி உதவி அளிக்கும் 60 தமிழ் பள்ளிகளில் 20 ஆயிரம் பேர் தமிழ் தொழில்நுட்பம் படிக்கின்றனர். மலேசியாவில் மலையா, சீனம் பேசுகிறவர்கள் யாரும் அந்த மொழி சோறு போடுமா என கேட்பது இல்லை. ஆனால் அடிப்படையில் தமிழ் உணர்வு இல்லாதவர்கள், "தமிழ்' சோறு போடுமா என கேட்கின்றனர். பேசுவதற்கும், கருத்துரை நடத்துவதற்கும் தமிழ் தொழில் நுட்பம் தேவைப்படுகிறது' என்றார்.

இலங்கை சிவ அனுராஜ் பேசுகையில்,"உலகத்தில் தமிழர்கள் அதிகம் வாழும் பகுதி தமிழ்நாட்டிற்கு அடுத்தது இலங்கை தான். உலகத்தமிழ் இணைய மாநாடு இன்னும் இலங்கையில் நடத்தப்படவில்லை. 2004, 2005ம் ஆண்டு உலக தமிழ் இணைய மாநாடு நடத்த முயற்சி எடுக்கப்பட்டது. அப்போது அமைச்சர் இறந்ததால் அந்த முயற்சி கைவிடப்பட்டது. தமிழிலே தொழில்நுட்பம் பெற வேண்டும் என தமிழ் ஈழ மக்கள் ஆர்வமாக உள்ளனர்' என்றார்.

இந்தியாவைச் சேர்ந்த ராமமூர்த்தி பேசுகையில்,"பத்து நாடுகளில் உலகத்தமிழ் இணைய மாநாடு நடத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது. அதில் ஏழு மாநாடு வெளிநாடுகளிலும், தமிழ்நாட்டில் மூன்று மாநாடுகள் அரசு உதவியுடன் நடந்துள்ளது. அரசிற்கு இணையாக அண்ணாமலைப் பல்கலைக் கழகம் உதவியுடன் இன்று சிதம்பரத்தில் உலகத்தமிழ் இணைய மாநாடு நடத்தப்படுவது பெருமையாக உள்ளது. மொழியியல் கணினி என்பது ஊடகம். அதை உள்ளடக்கமாக பார்க்கலாம். கணினி வழியாக தமிழ் தொழில்நுட்பம் உள்ளடக்கம் வளர்ந்தால் தமிழ் வளரும்' என்றார்.

உலகத் தமிழ் இணைய மாநாட்டில் 142 கட்டுரைகள் சமர்ப்பிப்பு: மாநாட்டில், வெளிநாட்டை சேர்ந்த 100க்கும் மேற்பட்ட கணினித்தமிழ் ஆய்வாளர்கள், தமிழ் அறிஞர்கள், தமிழ் ஆர்வலர்கள் கருத்துரை வழங்கினர்.பிற்பகல் மாநாட்டில் பல்வேறு நாடுகளைச் சேர்ந்த தமிழ் ஆய்வாளர்கள் 142 கட்டுரைகளை சமர்ப்பித்தனர். இதில் தொழில்நுட்பம் தொடர்பாக 48 கட்டுரைகளும், கல்வி தொடர்பாக 24 கட்டுரைகளும், பொதுவான தமிழ் கணினி சார்ந்த கட்டுரைகள் 70ம் அடங்கும்.
இன்று நிறைவு விழா:

உலகத் தமிழ் மாநாட்டின் 2ம் நாளான இன்று காலை தமிழ் ஆய்வாளர்கள் பேசுகின்றனர். பிற்பகல் நிறைவு விழா நடக்கிறது. அண்ணாமலை பல்கலைக்கழக பதிவாளர் மீனாட்சிசுந்தரம் தலைமையுரையாற்றுகிறார். மொழியில் உயராய்வு மைய புல முதல்வர் கணேசன் முன்னிலை வகிக்கிறார். அண்ணாமலை பல்கலைக்கழக தமிழியல்துறை பேராசிரிய
ர் அரங்க.பாரி வரவேற்கிறார்.சென்னை தமிழ் வளர்ச்சித்துறை இயக்குனர் சேகர், உலகத் தமிழ் சங்க தனி அலுவலர் பசும்பொன், கணித்தமிழ் சங்க தலைவர் வள்ளி ஆனந்தன், மைசூர் இந்திய மொழிகளின் நடுவண் நிறுவனம் முன்னாள் தேர்வுக் கட்டுப்பாட்டு அதிகாரி நடராஜ பிள்ளை ஆகியோர் வாழ்த்துரை வழங்குகின்றனர்.எஸ்.ஆர்.எம்., பல்கலைக்கழக துணைவேந்தர் பொன்னவைக்கோ நிறைவுரையாற்றுகிறார்.

Five districts in North under floods, over 100,000 displaced

Five districts in North under floods, over 100,000 displaced

[TamilNet, Saturday, 29 December 2012, 13:43 GMT]
101,569 members of 28,297 families in five districts Mullaiththeevu, Ki'linochchi, Vavuniyaa, Mannaar and Jaffna in the Northern Province have been badly affected by the torrential rain. Of them about 35,000 members of over 10 thousand families have been sheltered in transit centres. Over twenty thousand houses have been damaged completely and partially due to the rain and flood, according statistics provided by the officials attached to the Disaster Management Unit. Mullaiththeevu district is the worst affected one in the Northern Province where 36,019 persons of 11,261 families have been affected.

60,796 persons from 2147 families Oddu-chuddaan DS division, 16,899 persons from 5,336 families in Puthukkudiyiruppu DS division, 8,063 persons from 2,338 families in Karaithu'raip-pattu, 3,359 members from 1,143 families in Thu'nukkaay DS division, 857 persons from 277 families in Maanthai East DS division and 45 persons from 20 families Ma'nal-Aa'ru (Weli Oya) DS division have been displaced and are being sheltered in 50 transit centres.

Roads in Vavuniyaa, Mullaiththeevu, Oddu-chuddan and Puthukkudiyiruppu are under several feet of flood bringing the transport to a standstill.

In Mullaiththeevu alone 16,150 houses have been badly damaged.

In Ki'linochchi district 2,068 families residing in three DS divisions, Karaichchi, Kandaa-va'lai and Poonakari have been badly affected.

Of them 1,228 families have been rendered homeless.

1,381 persons from 344 families have been sheltered in 9 transit centres in Karaichchi DS division, 2,430 persons from 702 families in Kandaava'lai DS division in 14 transit centres, and 582 persons from 182 families in Poonakari DS division in 25 transit centres.

According to SL Government Agent of Ki'lnochchi district Ms Rupavathi Keetheesvaran 4,373 persons from 1,228 families are sheltered in transit centres. She said cooked meals and essential services are provided to these displaced.

In Vavuniyaa district, 34,170 persons from 9,123 families have been affected. 6,919 persons from 1,865 families in Cheddi-ku'lam DS division, 26,341 persons from 6,714 families in Nedungkea'ni DS division, and 819 persons from 514 families in Vavuniyaa Sinhala DS division have been affected and they are sheltered in 67 transit centres, according to Assistant Director of Disaster Management Unit Janaka Jayewardene.

In Mannaar district 23,300 persons from 5,865 families have been affected.

906 persons from 248 families in Mannaar DS division, 12,868 persons from 2,960 families Musali DS division, 6,471 persons from 405 families in Madu DS division, 4,093 persons from 1,138 families in Nanaaddaan DS division, and 3,942 persons from 1,105 families in Maanthai West DS division have been affected.

Transport between Mannaar,-Jaffna and Mannaar-Madawachchiya has come to halt due to heavy flood.

Land route to Musali area has been disrupted.

People in Vidathaltheevu have been rescued from flood by boats due to efforts made by the the district secretariat and irrigation officials.


Indian police remedy against rape is ‘reconciliation’

Indian police remedy against rape is ‘reconciliation’

[TamilNet, Friday, 28 December 2012, 08:12 GMT]
A 17-year-old Indian girl, gang-raped in November, committed suicide on Wednesday, after the Indian police pressured her to drop the case and accept a cash settlement or ‘marry’ one of her attackers, AFP reported on Thursday citing the victim’s sister, a senior police official and the Indian media NDTV. The girl had been “running from pillar to post to get her case registered,” but officers failed to open a formal inquiry and tried to convince her to withdraw the case, the Inspector General of Punjab Police, P.S. Gill, conceded. What the Indian police had applied in the individual case of the hapless girl is just analogous to the larger political policy of ‘reconciliation’ imposed by the Establishments in New Delhi and Washington on the genocide-affected nation of Eezham Tamils, said an activist in Jaffna standing for the human rights of nations.

The girl coming from Patiala region of Punjab took poison on Wednesday. Her suicide comes amidst public fury over another gruesome gang rape of a student on a bus in New Delhi earlier this month.

Out of 256,329 violent crimes recorded in India last year, 228,650 were against women. The real figure is thought to be much higher as so many women are reluctant to report attacks to the police, AFP said.

Meanwhile, rape and sexual exploitation committed and being committed with a genocidal intent by the Sinhala military occupying the country of Eezham Tamils are allowed to go as ‘accepted’ by the powers that see the Sinhala militarisation as solution to their interests in the island, Tamil social workers in the island said.

Victims among the ex-LTTE cadres and among the public are unable to come out with cases, as not only the victims but also their family members are intimidated and gagged. The occupying SL military is confident of the international impunity bestowed on it by the Establishments that groom it, the social workers said.

Besides New Delhi that never said anything against the SL military or against the multi-faceted genocide, some European Establishments having significant Tamil diaspora are also keen in seeing that such victims should not come out in making their cases public to get justice from the world, informed sources said.

Related Articles:
30.08.12   Genocidal sex abuse of ex-LTTE female cadres becomes routine..

External Links:
AFP:Indian teen kills self after pressed to drop rape case

Schalk tells Tamil politicians to claim territory of Tamil Buddhists

Chalks tells Tamil politicians to claim territory of Tamil Buddhists

[TamilNet, Friday, 28 December 2012, 07:37 GMT]
“The real danger for the Tamil speaking community is the traditional bond between Sinhala Buddhism and its claims to the whole territory of the island. Now we understand why the historical existence of Tamil Buddhism is denied: it is apprehended as a dangerous counter-movement to the Sinhala Buddhists’ claims of territory. Tamil politicians are expected to reject the territorial claims of Sinhala Buddhists by referring to the historical existence of territories settled by Buddhists who were Tamil speakers with their own claims for territorial control,” writes Emeritus Professor Peter Schalk in sending a note, responding to TamilNet feature “Simulated Buddhists, Sinhala-Buddhist schools to accelerate colonization, genocide,” appeared on 19 December.

A minimum definition of Tamil Buddhism is: Buddhism, which is transmitted in Tamil and is indigenised in Tamil culture. But what the SL government means is Sinhala Buddhism among Tamils who are taught Theravada Buddhism in Sinhala. This is a propagandist misuse of the term Tamil Buddhism, Schalk said.

Commenting, an academic in Jaffna who has seen his note writes: “It is not exactly the traditional bond between Sinhala Buddhism and its claims to the whole territory of the island, that is the real danger. The real danger is the international system that is allowing, abetting and shielding the false claim to take its genocidal toll.”

“The question is not whether the Sinhala-Buddhism denies the existence of Tamil Buddhism in the past, or whether in which language Buddhism is propagated, or whether which school of Buddhism is taught or whether it suits the Caiva/ Vainava idiom assumed as comfortable to Tamil speakers […] The question is one that of self-respect of a nation of people – whether any religious mission of the military occupiers could take place in the country of Eezham Tamils when it is deprived of its sovereignty and right to self-determination,” the academic in Jaffna further commented.

* * *

Full text of the note received from Emeritus Professor Peter Schalk responding to TamilNet feature “Simulated Buddhists, Sinhala-Buddhist schools to accelerate colonization, genocide,” appeared on 19 December:

Peter Schalk
Professor Peter Schalk
“Buddhism among Tamils” is indeed a complex conceptualisation. We have to distinguish between Tamilakam and Ilam, between different languages, periods and regions, finally between different interests, religious and political.

“Buddhism among Tamils” is a blanket for several concepts. The most important one today is Tamil Buddhism. A minimum definition of Tamil Buddhism is: Buddhism, which is transmitted in Tamil and is indigenised in Tamil culture. Tamil religious culture was and still is dominated by Caivam/Vaiṇavam, even in the Diaspora. Therefore Tamil Buddhism will be related to and recognised by its traits of Caivam/Vainavam, more or less, during different periods.

In Ilam, Tamil Buddhism is hardly visible; its existence in the past is vehemently denied by representatives of political Sinhala Buddhism, which is instrumentalised by the Government to homogenise the culture of the island into one culture as means of consolidating the unitary state. The Mahasamgha as a mass-movement is, however, not only an instrument; parts of it are also an actor who instrumentalises the Government to impose Siṃhala Buddhism, today with the help of an intensive militarisation. Sometimes this kind of Buddhism is called Tamil Buddhism, but what is meant is Sinhala Buddhism among Tamils who are taught Theravada Buddhism in Sinhala. This is a propagandist misuse of the term Tamil Buddhism.

There is no forceful conversion of Caivas, but of gradual land-grabbing in connection with the “sealing” of a territory by establishing Buddhist sacred architecture. It reduces Tamil control over territory. This kind of expanding political Buddhism has a self-designation, which the reader should associate to Hindutva; it is Sinhalatva. Both work against a multicultural society. But the real danger for the Tamil speaking community is the traditional bond between Sinhala Buddhism and its claims to the whole territory of the island.

Now we understand why the historical existence of Tamil Buddhism is denied: it is apprehended as a dangerous counter-movement to the Sinhala Buddhists’ claims of territory. Tamil politicians are expected to reject the territorial claims of Sinhala Buddhists by referring to the historical existence of territories settled by Buddhists who were Tamil speakers with their own claims for territorial control.

See also a feature article ‘Buddhism among Tamils is quenched from two sides: Peter Schalk’, appeared in TamilNet in June 2009.

* * *

Full text of the observations made by an academic in Jaffna who had seen the note of Peter Schalk:

Whether Hindutva in India or Sinhalatva of the Sri Lankan State, they are largely inspired by the European colonial legacy in which the oriental religions in Indo-Aryan text were re-discovered in the Western libraries especially by the German school, and were coupled with the then idea of nation state.

What the Sinhala State, centred in Colombo, is doing today in the country of Eezham Tamils is collectively deploying all what it has learnt from the colonialists who had set up a regime in Colombo: the conquistador model of the Portuguese, economic manipulation of the Dutch and the unitary island political lure of the English.

The genocide model is something the Sinhala State has been encouraged to experiment by the powers of today. The Sinhala State was a studied choice of the Establishments that architected the Vanni War and consciously coursed it through, even when it became clearly known as a genocidal war. The Wikileaks cables would tell who was the leading architect and who were all in the bandwagon.

If the genocide against the Eezham Tamils continues today in a multifaceted and structural way, including in the area of religion, that is essentially because of the continued denial in declaring it a genocide by the International Community of Establishments (ICE). Impunity is indirectly assured in such a practice.

It raises a question, whether the genocide, including the modus operandi of Sinhala-Buddhism in the country of Eezham Tamils, has for all practical purposes become a silently nodded way of implementing a world order of the ICE choice. If so, the genocide could never be stopped by wasting time on local arguments such as Tamil Buddhism or Sinhala Buddhism.

‘Multiculturalism’, now professed with a new religious fervour but conceived to camouflage the corporate-imperialist aspirations of a part of the world that finds nation-states no more whetting its appetite, will never be understood in other contexts that are yet to resolve the national question. Illogical application of multiculturalism would only result in the kind of genocide one sees in the island.

An island such as Sri Lanka having a history of chronic genocide that ever escalates should be allowed to go through the separation of nations, to grow up.

It is not exactly “the traditional bond between Sinhala Buddhism and its claims to the whole territory of the island,” that is the “real danger.”

The real danger is the international system that is allowing, abetting and shielding the false claim to take its genocidal toll.

The question is not whether the Sinhala-Buddhism denies the existence of Tamil Buddhism in the past, or whether in which language Buddhism is propagated, or whether which school of Buddhism is taught or whether it suits the Caiva/ Vainava idiom assumed as comfortable to Tamil speakers. These are only ways of giving ideas to Sinhala-Buddhism, like the colonialists were finding ways.

The question is one that of self-respect of a nation of people – whether any religious mission of the military occupiers could take place in the country of Eezham Tamils when it is deprived of its sovereignty and right to self-determination.

Eezham Tamils may embrace Japanese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Wahabi Islam, church-disregarding Christianity of the West today, African Animism or any other religion, or may even do away with all the religions –but that should be their choice when there is freedom to their nation.

Those who base their theories confining Tamil to Caivam/ Vainavam and don’t want to concede its largely secular substratum coming from the times of the Cankam corpus, ostensibly forget the contemporary phenomenon in which an atheist movement using Tamil as its primary medium and was essentially targeting Caiva/ Vainava practices, was able to capture popular polity and in that name is able to rule Tamil Nadu for nearly half a century.

For the Tamil claim of territory in the island, Peter Schalk advises Tamil politicians to “reject the territorial claims of Sinhala Buddhists by referring to the historical existence of territories settled by Buddhists who were Tamil speakers.”

In a recent interview to TamilNet, the Sri Lanka Project Director of the International Crisis Group (ICG), Dr Alan Keenan said that the Tamils have to prove the genocide and the post-war genocide by exploring it, putting together the facts, comparing it to the legal issues and making some kind of chronological assessment by well-informed people and legal scholars.

Why the act of proving the territorial claim by showing ‘Tamil-Buddhism’? Will there be a Tamil territorial enclave of ‘sacred architecture’ set up, just by Tamils proving that there was a Siva temple at Dondra Head, the southern tip of the island? Could anyone tell the Maldivians to justify modern Dhivehi Buddhists because once there was Buddhism?

Does Schalk in his note imply that some Eezham Tamils on their own should become ‘Tamil Buddhists’ for political purposes?

Expertise in the study of religions or in the study of Tamil Buddhism is of little help when the ICE has no respect at all to common sense and is determined to engineer every nuance of every expertise to suit its agenda.

The struggle has to be waged at some other plane by some other democratic means, by an awakened and prepared nation identifying and targeting the ultimate culprits.


Takasu, Tamils' adversary in UN Security Council?

Takasu, Tamils' adversary in UN Security Council?

[TamilNet, Friday, 28 December 2012, 00:15 GMT]
Yukio Takasu, the 2009 President of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on the critical month of February, was one of the key UN officials who allegedly prevented Sri Lanka from being dragged into the UNSC for the unfolding mass scale killings in Mu'l'livaaykkaal, public statements made by UN officials during media stakes reveal. While some UN Security Council (UNSC) permanent members may have agreed with Takasu'a views, in a media stake out, Takasu lays out his "own" critical view of the "terrorist LTTE," and the primacy of political and security need to "defeat" the Tigers over imminent large scale civilian casualties. Political observers believe that Japanese cultural views on refugees, asylum seekers may provide clues to Takasu's approach and conduct in the UNSC that led to the disastrous outcome for the Tamil refugees trapped in Sri Lanka's civil war.

Yukio Takasu was the President of the UNSC during February 2009 and later in 2010. He was also Japan's Ambassador to the United Nations.

Yukio Takasu, President UN Security Council Feb, 2009
Yukio Takasu, President UN Security Council Feb, 2009
In the three media briefings on 9th, 20th and 27th February at the UN, Takasu, lays out the strategy adopted at the UNSC. Political observers commenting on the video pointed to the unmistakable hand of Takasu in adopting the chillingly cruel UN strategy to allow, in the name of security and politics, Colombo a free hand in the impending brutal massacre of nearly 80,000 civilians [Petrie Report: "an estimated 360,000 or more civilians were crowded into an ever smaller part of ‘the Wanni’ area of Northern Sri Lanka where many died as a result of sustained artillery shelling, illness and starvation. Almost 280,000 survivors were forcibly interned in military-run camps outside."]

In articulating first the UN's motivations, and then responding to probing questions from a few journalists, Takasu is seen drawing his decades of experience in being a UN bureaucrat, as he switches between his three roles, the President of the UNSC, the Ambassador and as a Japanese private citizen, to deliver his message: that LTTE is the problem, and needs to be taken out. As a private citizen he confesses that no one wants to see “damage” to civilian people, but it is unfortunate [that we should allow that to happen in this instance]."

The videos and the associated news coverage by Innercity Press's Matthew Lee during the civilian carnage at Mu'l'livaaykkaal, establishes, with reasonable certainty, Takasu's involvement in continuing to refuse to taking up the matter at the Security Council.

Yasushi Akashi, Former Japanese Envoy to the Tokyo Co-Chairs
Yasushi Akashi, Former Japanese Envoy to the Tokyo Co-Chairs
Tamil activists also accuse another Japanese, Yasushi Akashi, the former Special Envoy of the Tokyo Co-chair to the Peace Process, for allegedly supporting US South Asia's Secretary Blake, in architecting the defeat of Tigers. The co-chairs assembled a coalition of countries to first proscribe, then to arrest activists in the US, Australia, Canada, and in several European cities in a well-coordinated action to blunt the support from the Tamil diaspora by inculcating fear. Political observers say the Blake-led action, supported by co-chairs provided a internationally muted, clear political space for Colombo to carry out the massacre.

On Akashi's visit in August 2012, three years after the Mu'l'livaaykkaal massacre, a Jaffna social activist commented: “Architects of the genocidal war cannot be mere listeners. They are answerable to the affected people and to the world. There is no foreign establishment involved in the island that doesn't really know what is happening. Therefore, the boldness with which the grass-root aspirations of the nation of Eezham Tamils has to be politically translated in a befitting way should never be compromised in the island and in the diaspora."

Observers also point out that specific to Japan-Sri Lanka relationship, the role of common bond through religion [Buddhism] and sympathetic overtures offered by Sri Lanka towards Japan following the WWII defeat, reinforce the skewed position of Japan in speaking in favor of Sinhala-centric political goals in Sri Lanka.

Research indicates that the Japanese society abhors refugees and asylum seekers to maintain a homogeneous population, and activists argue that this cultural instinct may have played a role in the Japanese officials' mindset to allow humanitarian issues take a secondary role, and a factor behind the perceived insensitivity of the Japanese officials to the plight of Tamil civilians as hundreds of thousands were made refugees in their own homeland by deliberation action of the State. Takasu charaterizes the "impending crime-of-the-century" as "damage" to the "civilian people."

Japan also remained the biggest donor nation to Sri Lanka for many decades as the state sponsored discrimination of Tamils and pogroms against Tamils plagued the Island- another Japanese, Colombo affiliation that may have likely played in the Takasu-Akashi involvement in the war which led to disastrous consequences to the Tamil civilians, political observes point out.

Takasu's UN briefings, news reports on Sri Lanka, IDPs and War
Date of Briefings, News Reports Video, News Report Link [Start Time] Key Points made
February-09-2009 1. UN-Takasu Feb 09 2009 Video

2. Innercity Press Report
The 2009 President of the UN Security Council, and the Japanese Ambassador to the UN, Takasu, conducts the mediation to take up Sri Lanka for discussions in the UNSC: (First minute of the video only)
- Mexico requested discussions. Takasu says he is engaged in consultations.
- When pressed for details, says different members have different views of the conflict. Some concerned about the humanitarian aspect, some feel the war is an internal matter. Takasu says there is no UNSC agenda yet on the matter.
- British Ambassador remarked, "[t]he Tamil Tigers are a proscribed organization and the government of Sri Lanka has long been blighted by the activities of the Tamil Tigers. We want these to be brought to an end."
Feb-20-2009 UN-Takasu Feb- 20-2009 Video [12:20]Yukio Takasu, reveals behind-the scene thinking of member countries of UN Security Council on Sri Lanka.
- Sri Lanka situation is not "just" a humanitarian issue, but involves politics and security
- LTTE is a terrorist organization that has broken several CeaseFire agreements
- LTTE is well organized, and uses CeaseFires to advance its military strategy
- LTTE uses civilians as "human shields"
Feb-27-2009 1. UN-Takasu Feb 27 2009 Video

2. Innercity Press Report
Important video from Takasu (Starting @00:00:35), points out the "Convergence of Views" indicating that UN will not impede in GoSL's military action:
- Takasu says the Sri Lanka conflict will not be a Council agenda item going forward. (Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, even before the meeting began, called the briefing by UN humanitarian chief John Holmes a "one-time" event.)
- Takasu lays the blame for the catastrophe mainly on the LTTE and defends the Government while expressing serious concern on the humanitarian situation.
- Brings up terrorist LTTE exploting the IDPs for military advantage. Members have pointed out the terrorist list from US, EU. Escaping IDPs being shot by the LTTE, recruitment of child soldiers. THis is an important message from the Security Council.
- GoSL is taking precautions, and UN hopes GoSL exercises maximum restraint
- Convergence of views expect LTTE to lay down arms and participate in discussions in a political process towards "devolution" or "self-rule"..."whatever you call it"
- Says, action of the UNSC on Sudan is consistent with the UNSC refusing to take up Sri Lanka for discussions.
1. ICP: Sri lanka discussions in UN Basement
2. ICP: Takasu praises his meeting innovations
- Security Council deliberation carried out off the record, came to be known as "basement briefings, as in the Innercity press report: "As the UN's envoy to Sri Lanka Vijay Nambiar gave a begrudging basement briefing to the UN Security Council, France flexed up its humanitarian muscles while China offered unequivocal support to the government's military crackdown in the north."
- Takasu thinks this was an innovation: Reflecting on the changes Takasu architected to the procedures and "working methods" of the Security Council, Takasu says, "transparency to non Council members is the goal, and noted that the informal meetings on Sri Lanka, for example, were an innovation."
Japan's history on hostility to asylum seekers/immigrants
1. UNHCR article on Japan's Immigration Policy
2. Japan's policy of exclusion I
3. Japan's policy of exclusion II
4. Waseda Research: Defying Convention
5. TamilNet: Akashi comes to ‘listen’ to people in Jaffna
Yukio Takasu and Yasushi Akashi, both UN diplomats, horned their diplomatic skills growing up in an environment that was hostile to refugees and immigrants. Popular images of refugees in Japan are dominated by media portrayals of precarious refugee camps in Africa, leading to misplaced biases that a refugee is, “poor, dirty and having a weak existence without the right of protection under international laws”:
- Japan joined the UN in 1956, it did not become party to the Refugee convention until 1981.
- Japan did accept White Russian refugees after WWI and Jewish refugees during WWII. However, those accepted tended to be the wealthy or intellectual elite.
- Japan’s restrictive immigration policy, reveals the cruel treatment Kurdish and Afghani asylum seekers received at the hands of the Ministry of Justice as they applied for refugee status.
- Japan which saw itself as ethnically, culturally and linguistically homogeneous the prospect of a mass immigration of refugees was alarming to the populace and the negative reaction of the Japanese Government reflected that concern.
Source: UN video archives, Wikileaks, ICP Reports


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External Links:
ICP: On Sri Lanka at UN, Mere "Remarks to the Press," UK Says IMF Loan Not Relevant
JF: Open the Door-- Japan ’s Policy of Exclusion of Refugees (Part 1)
ICP: To Visit Sri Lanka, Ban Ki-moon Called “Too Busy” by UN Sources, Despite Japanese Urging and Invitation
AUGov: The Problem with the 1951 Refugee Convention
ICP: Amid Death in Sri Lanka, UN Wedding in New York, Ban's Visit Delay Questioned
ICP: UN's and Ban's Backing-Down to Sri Lanka Questioned by NGOs, IMF Delay Praised
Inner City Press: At UN, Sri Lanka Accused of Shelling Civilians, "Friendly Censure," LTTE Condemned
ICP: At Sri Lanka Dialogue of UN Council, Photos on Wall, Press in the Hall
ICP: Sri Lanka Set for Security Council Dialogue in UN Basement, Beslan Analogy
ICP: In Sri Lanka 13,130 Missing IDPs Reported But Downplayed By UN
ICP: Sri Lanka Damage Satellite Photos Withheld by UNITAR
ICP: On Sri Lanka, UN Speak of Siege, Calls Cease-Fire Unrealistic, Only Private Diplomacy
Waseda: Defying Convention: Japan, National Identity and the Illegalisation of Asylum
ICP: In UN Council, Japan Works on Sri Lanka Issue
IPC: UN Still Withholds Casualty Numbers, Funds Detention Camps
Inner City Press: UN Meeting Called One-Off, UK Makes No Proposals, Holmes Differs from Ban
ICP: Mexico Invokes Responsibility to Protect, Rebukes Colombo's "Inaccuracies"
ICP: On Sri Lanka, France Pitches Hospital Not IMF or Genocide
ICP: In N. Sri Lanka, 2,683 Civilian Killings This Year, UN Leaked Documents Show
ICP: UN's Ban Declines To Call for Cease-Fire, Double Standard Unexplained
ICP: On Sri Lanka, UN's Holmes Tells Council to Speak with One Voice, Envoy Request
ICP: On Sri Lanka in UN Basement, Rice of US Speaks, Libya Offers Money, and China Support
ICP: On Sri Lanka, UN Official Describes "Nightmare Scenario," Treaty Official "Knows Better"
ICP: US' Rice Joins Call for UN Council Briefing
JF: Open the Door-- Japan ’s Policy of Exclusion of Refugees (Part 1)

Gotabhaya appropriates whole village in Mannaar

Gotabhaya appropriates whole village in Mannaar

[TamilNet, Thursday, 27 December 2012, 15:53 GMT]
An entire Eezham Tamil village, Mu’l’lik-ku’lam in the Musali division of Mannaar district, has been declared out of bounds for its uprooted residents by SL defence Secretary and presidential sibling Gotabhaya Rajapaksa visiting the village on Wednesday. The entire village will be used for a military base of the occupying Sinhala forces and to serve as a hub for the Sinhalicisation and Colonisation process of the land and waters of the strategic locality in the Mannaar district. Nobody would be allowed to resettle within a perimeter of 750 meters of the Mu’l’likku’lam village, Gotabhaya said at a meeting held at the SL Naval Base established there on Wednesday between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm.

The ‘conference’ was attended by Ravindra Silva, the Sinhala Government Agent of Mannaar, K.Ketheesvaran, the divisional secretary of Musali, Bishop of the Mannaar Diocese Rt.Rev. Dr. Rayappu Joseph, Rev. Fr. Ranjit and the commanding officers of the occupying Sinhala Army in Mannaar and Vavuniyaa.

The villagers, displaced from Musali, have been temporarily staying in Peasaalai, Thaazhvup-paddu, Keeri and in Thalaimannaar and have been subjected to various harassments by the SL military throughout the last five years.

A section of the uprooted people from Mu'l'lik-ku'lam attempted to enter their lands six months ago. Some of the families have been residing at Kaayaang-kudi and at Malang-kaadu.

Now it is learnt that 450 acres, at the rate of half an acre per family, have been allotted for these people to resettle away from the village. They have been informed that they could visit schools and religious places but not to their abandoned houses in Mu'l'likku'lam.

After the SLN camp meeting was over, Gotabhaya held discussions with members of the public assembled there. At the discussion some of them have consented to accept alternative lands leaving their own lands in Mu'l'likku'lam.

More than 4,500 civilians were forced to flee Mu'l'likku'lam and surrounding villages in the Musali division in September 2007.

Since their eviction, the people of Mu'l'likku'lam have been continuously protesting and demanding return to their village for resettlement. They have been appealing to the SL authorities for five years. The ruling UPFA politicians have been neglecting all their demands. 


The Palestinian long road to statehood insufficient for Tamil Sovereignty

The Palestinian long road to statehood insufficient for Tamil Sovereignty

[TamilNet, Thursday, 27 December 2012, 06:55 GMT]
Twenty-four long years after the Palestine Liberation Organization renounced violence and voted to create the State of Palestine, United Nations recognition of Palestine remains limited to “non-member, observer” status. Governing an international order premised on the military superiority and economic interests of powerful states, the United Nations has been proved structurally incapable of defending oppressed nations. That the developments in the Palestinian movement should elicit interest from Eezham Tamil activists is the opinion of Tamil political observers who have been following the Palestinian struggle, who further contend that the time the Palestinians had in reaching to the current position is not an asset in the case of the Eezham Tamils who face an internationally ignored structural, protracted genocide in their homeland.

In its vote on November 29, the United Nations officially recognized the State of Palestine by an overwhelming margin of 138-9. The Palestinian resolution re-iterates many previous UN resolutions– including Israel’s retreat to pre-1967 borders favouring a “contiguous” state of Palestine, and the right of return for refugees. Clearly, implementing these measures is necessary to guarantee meaningful sovereignty. Though outvoted in the General Assembly, Israel still fails to respect these international decisions - while continuing to deny that it violates international law.

Liberal international relations theorists believe that statehood is achieved through mutual recognition by other states. Such inter-state relationships have not, however, produced Palestinian sovereignty. Palestine's primary gain from this vote is that it now holds the legal status necessary to file suit against Israel at The Hague. Nabil Shaath, senior Palestinian official, has threatened war-crimes charges based on Israeli settlement construction – mere days after winning the UN vote. Colonization of Palestinian land continues nonetheless. Life for Palestinians has not changed as a result of formal statehood recognition.

As Eezham Tamils have learned, especially after 2009, international mechanisms of justice are difficult to enforce for the only credible means of enforcement is military intervention. Israel flouts international convention with such impunity because it possesses a monopoly of violence, both internally as an oppressor state, and externally as a regional superpower.

Neither the United Nations nor allies of the Palestinian cause possess the military means or the moral courage to militarily defend Palestinians. Despite repeated formal condemnation of Israel's actions toward Palestine, the United Nations failed to undertake even token action against Sri Lanka’s genocidal war on the Tamil nation and continues to remain hesitant to protect Tamils from ongoing structural genocide and colonization of the territory of Tamil Eezham.

After facing decades of systemic oppression, both Eezham Tamils and Palestinians had arrived at a conclusion that military self-defence must be undertaken on their own account, in an asymmetrical fashion. The International Community of Establishments then labelled these efforts "terrorism", granting the moral high ground to the oppressor state, while criminalizing recourse to the means which liberation from a military occupation requires.

Although moral condemnations and humanitarian appeals may emerge from certain quarters, calls for proper behaviour "on both sides" have objectively benefited the stronger party who does not lay down its arms, who does not respect the wishes of the oppressed national groups, and who receives no incentive to do so from any section of the international community.

Thus, the extent to which leadership of the liberation struggle accommodates the interests of the international community is often directly proportional to its failure to defend the aspirations of the oppressed nation. Despite international applause garnered from statehood recognition, the Palestinian Authority continues to lose ground among Palestinians. Though formally representing the West Bank and Gaza, the PA does not presently hold electoral influence in Gaza, while its hold on the West Bank weakens.

An Israeli YNet News column, dated December 9, states that "The recent Palestinian success in the UN, the deadlocked Israeli-Palestinian peace process and the achievements noted by Hamas during Operation Pillar of Defense have prompted greater agitation in the West Bank, and the IDF is concerned that the area may soon reach a boiling point. According to [Israel security agency] Shin Bet data, the unrest in the area is ripe for the development of the kind of infrastructure that could potentially support a third intifada – prolonged and violent unrest the likes of which Israel had to deal with in 1987 and 2000."

The threat of another Intifada reflects the clash between the national aspirations of Palestinians on one hand, and the extent to which the PA has bowed to American and Israeli pressure on the other. The two courses of action are irreconcilable because Palestinian national interests, and those of the powers governing the international system, are mutually detrimental.

This lesson applies equally to Eezham Tamils. A strategy of lobbyism and accommodation to world powers objectively subsumes the national objective into a flow of power that is inimical to the emergence of an independent and truly sovereign state.

There are other options for international solidarity. The "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" campaign (modelled after a similar strategy deployed against the South African apartheid regime), has proven useful to the Palestinian cause as a means of applying moral pressure and some limited economic sanctions against the Israeli state. Like the UN's resolutions, however, "BDS" also has severe limitations in its effectiveness.

So far, the government of South Africa is the only state to formally employ this tactic against Israel. Lacking the support of powerful actors, the BDS campaign cannot be a concerted strategy against Israeli occupation - it remains an incoherent, piecemeal attack against a powerful, well-organized opponent whose position is bolstered by the United States. The BDS campaign is loosely coordinated and relies largely on moral pressure on investors who benefit financially from their ongoing relationships, rather than a solidly-organized grouping of forces who have no economic interests in common with the state of Israel.

As with Sri Lanka, Israel enjoys the support of powerful backers, while its detractors lack the capacity to oppose it. If campaigns like BDS can succeed, it will be because they have been adopted by well-organized civil-society actors who coordinate tightly among each other. In truth, such support can only come from among people who are in a similar structural position within the global hierarchy of nations. A lack of solidarity among oppressed nations means that they may be played against each other in a game of "divide and conquer."

The government of Sri Lanka, ironically, voted in favour of Palestine's bid. Statements of friendship from Sri Lankan President Rajapakse to the Palestinians were reciprocated by President of the Palestine-Sri Lanka Friendship and Cooperation Society Mahmoud Abdullah. Yet just as the Sri Lankan state used Israeli jets and tactical advice against the LTTE, so recently Israel mulled the “Sri Lanka option”, best expressed by Ariel Sharon’s son Gilad in the words: “Flatten all of Gaza.”

Reality thus exposes the rhetoric of “friendship" as hypocritical. Friendly relations between Palestine and Sri Lanka deny Eezham Tamils the political space to form an alliance with Palestine based on shared interests and a common experience of national oppression. They also discredit the Palestinian cause in the eyes of many Eezham Tamils who unfortunately fail to distinguish between the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people, but justifiably expect solidarity to be reciprocal.

But can the Eezham Tamil nation endure the time limits involved in the lengthy process of international recognition as in the case of the Palestinians, is a question that Tamil activists pose. After the internationally coordinated destruction of the de facto state that had shielded them from genocidal oppression, an accelerated rate of colonization of the Tamil homeland, devastation of the Eezham Tamil population by military and structural methods, and the absence of meaningful international support, all create a scenario where the Eezham Tamils in the homeland currently do not have the capacity to resist a protracted genocide.

The international system follows the dictum that "might is the supreme right." It has failed both Palestinians and Tamils; but with far more deadly consequences for Tamils. In both the Palestinian and the Tamil cases, creating viable independent states would significantly disrupt the present economic and military geopolitical framework, through which "friendly" powers maintain their present interests. Nations wishing to emerge into this system must either accept the mandate of these powers, or develop an effective international counter-power of their own.

வியாழன், 27 டிசம்பர், 2012

11th International Tamil Internet Conference

11th International Tamil Internet Conference 
 KRM (Kumara Raja Muthiah) Auditorium  
Annamalai University 
28-29 December 2012
Day 1 : Friday, 28 December 2012
08.00-10.00 Registration 
10.00-11.15 Inaugural Function | Kanian Poongundranar Arangu 

Inaugural Address: Prof. Dr. M.RAMANATHAN (Vice Chancellor, Annamalai University)  
Presided by Mr. MANI M. MANIVANNAN(Chairman, INFITT)  
Welcome Address by Dr. M. GANESAN(Annamalai University) 
Felicitations by  
Mr. S. MANIAM (Singapore) 
Mr. C.M. ELANTTAMIL (Malaysia) 
Mr. SIVA ANURAJ (Sri Lanka) 

11.15-11.30 Tea Break
Keynote Session
11.30-12.30 Keynote Address | Kanian Poongundranar Arangu
Moderator:  Mr. Mani M. Manivannan (Chairman, INFITT)
Keynote Address: Mr. MOHAN GOPALAKRISHNAN (Head, Chennai Development Center, Digital Marketing, Adobe Corporation, Chennai)
Ethnic Search Engines and Monetization using Advertisements and Suggestions for Tamil Search monetization
Panelist: Mr. Ashwin Ramesh, (Founder, Organic Apex)
13.30-15.30 Kanian Poongundranar Arangu | Session A | Software | Prof V Ramlaingam
1. COMPUTER BASED TAMIL BRAILLE SYSTEM – A Review, S Santhosh Baboo, V.Ajantha Devi 
2. பயனர் நோக்கில் ‘மென்தமிழ்’ தமிழ்ச்சொல்லாளர், இல. சுந்தரம்
3. On implementing a single tap keypad software for Tamil, V Krishnamoorthy
4. Tamil Publishing for Mobile platforms - Tools & Utilities, Hari Prasath, Ganesh Ram
5. தமிழ்மென்பொருள்களும்மக்கள்பாவனையும், அனுராஜ்சிவராஜா
6. தமிழ் தொடர்புசால் தரவுதளம் மற்றும் நிரலாக்கம், முத்துக்குமார் ஆறுமுகம், நிஸங்கா
  முத்துக்குமார் பர்வத், கிறிஸ்டினா லவ்லீனா
13.30-15.30 Tholkaappiyar Arangu | Session B | Corpora | Dr. L. Ramamoorthy (CIIL,Mysore)
1. தமிழ்மொழியில் எழுத்துகளின்பயன்பாட்டு-நிலை:நிரல்களும் வரைபடங்களும்,
   நூ த லோகசுந்தர முதலி
2. தமிழ்மென்பொருள் உருவாக்கத்திற்கு அடிப்படை தேவையான தமிழ்த்தரவுகள்,
   அ.ஜேம்ஸ், ப.அர.நக்கீரன்
3. தரவகம், இரா. பன்னிருகைவடிவேலன்
4. தமிழில் ஓலைச்சுவடி தரவுத் தளம், கோவி. சக்கரபாணி
5. Issues while developing annotated corpora for Modern Tamil, K.Umaraj 
6. இணைய வழி தமிழ் ஆய்வு வங்கி, கா. ஆனந்த குமார்
13.30-15.30 Auvaiyar Arangu | Session C | Education | Dr. Siva Pillai
1. கணினி வழி தமிழ் கற்றல் கற்பித்தல் குறித்தஆய்வுகள், Siva Pillai
2. தொடக்க/நடுநிலைப்பள்ளிகளில்தமிழ்இணையப்பயன்பாடு, கவி.செங்குட்டுவன்
3. கணினிவழிதமிழ்கற்றல்மற்றும்கற்பித்தல்குறித்தானஆய்வுகள், Louis Isack Kumar
4. எதிர்கால இணைய வகுப்பறைகள், ப.சு. மூவேந்தன்
5. இணையதளத்தில் தமிழ் வழிக்கற்றலில் மேன்மை, சு.கணேசன்
6. தமிழ் இணையப் பயன்பாட்டில் கல்லூரி மாணவர்கள்எதிர்கொள்ளும் சிக்கல்கள் ஓர்
   ஆய்வு தமிழ்ப்பரிதி. மாரி 311
7. Mobile Learning as support to Tamil Language Teaching, P. KUMARESAN, P. VIJAYA

15.30-15.45 Tea Break 
15.45-17.45 Kanian Poongundranar Arangu | Session A | Panel Discussion on TESTING AND EVALUATION OF TAMIL COMPUTING SOFTWARE | Moderator : Dr. P.R. Nakeeran 

Dr. N. Deyvasundaram
Dr. M. Balakumar
Dr. V. Krishnamoorthy
Dr. G. Ravishankar 
Mr. E. Iniya Nehru
Dr. N. Nadaraj Pillai 
Dr. V. Srinivasan  
Dr. P. Renugadevi 
Dr. V. Thayalan 
Dr. A. Karthikeyan
Dr. R. Muralidharan
Dr. V. Thiruvalluvan
Dr. T. Parasuraman

15.45-17.45 Tholkappiyar Arangu | Session B | Computational Linguistics | Prof. N. Deivasundaram 
1. A Rule Based Converter of Formal Tamil to Colloquial Tamil (FT2CT) - An Application of
  Turing Machine, K. Arul Deepa, C. Deisy
2. A Parsing Engine for the Study of Tamil (Finite –Tensed) Verb Structure, M.Somathasan, R.Saranya
3. Machine Learning of Sandhi Rules for Tamil, K.Rajan , V.Ramalingam, M.Ganesan
4. Dependency Parser for Tamil classical literature- Kurunthokai, V.Dhanalakshmi, M.Anand Kumar,
5. Morphological Analyzer for Classical Tamil Texts:  A Rule-based approach for Case Marker, R.Akilan,
   Prof E.R.Naganathan, Dr.G.Palanirajan

15.45-17.45 Auvaiyar Arangu | Session C | Internet |  முனைவர் இராம.கிருட்டிணன்
1. The Tamil Wikipedia: Criteria for Evaluation and Enrichment, N.Murugaiyan
2. தமிழ் எழுத்துருக்களின் வளர்ச்சி - சங்க காலம் முதல் இன்று வரை - ஒரு
   மீள்   பார்வை, வெ.இராமன்
3. செல்பேசியில் தமிழ்க் கலைச்சொல்லாக்கம், நா.ஜானகிராமன்
4. களம்சார்ந்த கலைச்சொல்லாக்கம், மு.சிவலிங்கம்
5. மொழிபெயர்ப்புப் பணியில் தொழில்நுட்பத்தின் பயன்பாடு, சி.இளங்குமரன்
6. கையடக்கக் கணினிகளில் தமிழ், செல்வ.முரளி

17.45 - 18.30 Auvaiyar Arangu | INFITT Members Meeting
19.00-20.00 Kanian Poongundranar Arangu- Entertainment | கலைநிகழ்ச்சி
20.00 - 21.00 - Dinner - Guest House 

 Day 2: Saturday, 29 December 2012
 09.00-10.45 Kanian Poongundranar Arangu | Session A | Internet  | Prof. A.G. Ramakrishnan
1. WCAG Compliance of Tamilnadu Government Websites: Are We in the Right Track?, S Arulselvan
2. முகநூல் கருத்தாடலில் உணர்ச்சிப் பரிமாற்றம், மலர்விழி சின்னையா,
3. தமிழில் எழுத்துருக்களின் உடற்கூறியலும் வனப்பெழுத்தும், A.M.Ponraj
4. தேசிய மொழிகள் ஊடாக தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பத்தை வலுப்படுத்தல் தொடர்பான
   பங்களிப்பு, ஜெயரஞ்ஜன் யோகராஜ்
5. எளிதாகத்  தமிழ் மொழியில் மின்னூல்கள், சுகந்தி வெங்கடெஷ்

09.00-10.45 Tholkappiyar Arangu | Session B | Natural Language Processing | Dr. T. Mala

2. Development of Telugu-Tamil Bidirectional Machine Translation System: A special focus on case
   divergence, Parameswari K, Sreenivasulu N.V., Uma Maheshwar Rao G, Christopher M
   K. Arul Deepa
4. Sense Mining for Tamil, W. Aisha Banu, B. Shamreen, S. Sasikala, B. Nimala Devi
5. Sense Mining for Natural Language Processing using Collaborative Filtering Approach, R. Shriram,
   CLASSIFICATION, V. Janani, K. Arul Deepa
09.00-10.45 Auvaiyar Arangu |  Session C | Education | Dr. P. R. Nakkeran
1. Kalvi: An Adaptive Tamil mLearning System, KeshavaRangarajan, Jayaradha Natarajan,
2. E- Learning module of Imparting  Medical and Health EducationUsing Classical Tamil Literature
   via the Internet, Semmal 
3. Learner Support Services and Online Distance Education: A Case Study on Bachelor of Business
   Management(Online) Degree Programme, Rathiranee, Y 
4. Computer Assisted Tamil Language Teaching Tool “Tamil Learning Mantra”, A. Reshma Parveen,
   M. Rajasenathipathi 
5. Developing Tamil Writing Skills: A Computational Approach, P. VIJAYA, P. KUMARESAN
6. கணினி வழி தமிழ் கற்றல் மற்றும் கற்பித்தல் குறித்தான ஆய்வுகள், சு. சாந்தி
7. இணையம் வழி தமிழ் கற்றல் - கற்பித்தல் –ஓர் ஆய்வு, பி.ஆர்.இலட்சுமி

10.45-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Kanian Poongundranar Arangu | Session A | Software | Prof. V. Krishnamurthi
1. An Introduction to Thamizh Informatics and Thamizh Literature Intelligence, Naga Elangovan
2. Online handwritten Tamil word recognition using segmentation, bigram models and verification,
   A G Ramakrishnan, BhargavaUrala
3. Neural Networks based Recognition of Unicode Characters for identification of handwritten scripts
   in applications, MageshKasthuri, VigneshwarManokar, NandhiniVigneshwarManokar
11.00-12.45 Tholkappiyar Arangu | Session B | Computational Linguistics Prof. A.G. Natarajan
1. Building an Intelligent Rule Based System for Tamil Computing, M. Ganesan
2. POS tagging for Classical Tamil Texts, G.Palanirajan
  protégé, A.M.PONRAJ
5. Application of Natural Language Processing Techniques to Augmentative Communication Systems,
  Aravind Kannan, V. Thiruvalluvan

11.00-12.45 Auvaiyar Arangu | Session C | Education | C.M.Elanttamil
   R. Lalitha Raja, M. Ramana Kumar 
2. மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கான மின் உள்ளடக்கங்கள், ப. டேவிட் பிரபாகர் 
3. உயர்கல்வியில் தொழில்நுட்பத்தைப் பயன்படுத்துவதில் விழித்திறன் குறைந்தவர்களின்
   பிரச்சினைகள் பற்றிய ஓர் ஆய்வு, ச.அமுதா 
4. Challenges and Health Risk Faced by Tamil School Students in Malaysia with Immediate Need for
   ICT Interference, Saravanan Mariappan 
5. குழந்தைகளுக்கான தமிழ் இணையப் பயன்பாடும் தரவுகளும், கல்பனாசேக்கிழார்
6. எடுபுண்டு (edubuntu) வழிகல்வி, மேகவர்ணன்ஜெகதீசன்
7. தமிழ்மொழி கற்றல் கற்பித்தலில் தகவல் தொழில்நுட்பத்தின் பங்களிப்பு, சாம்
   கிதியோன், சீதா லட்சுமி
12.45-13.45 Lunch
14.00-14.50 Kanian Poongundranar Arangu | Session A | Internet |  Moderator: Mani Manivannan
1. An update on eGovernance initiatives in India, E. Iniya Nehru 
2. An update on Internationalized Domain Names, S. Maniam 
3. KaniTamizhSangam (KTS), What it is and how it serves Tamil Software Developer and User community,
   ShrinivasParthasarathy, Secretary, KaniThamizhSangam
13.45-15.30 Auvaiyar Arangu | Session C | Education | To be decided
1. Developing a Linguistic-based Tool for Teaching and Learning of Tamil Verbs, Saranya,
   R, M. Somathasan
3. Sustainability of Teaching Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Malaysia Tamil
  Schools using Tamil Open Source Computing, Gunasegaran Kandaswamy, C.M.Elanttamil
4. சிங்கப்பூரில் கணினிவழித் தமிழ்மொழிக் கற்றல் கற்பித்தல், த. பொன்னி
5. 21 நூற்றாண்டில் புதிய ஊடகம் வழி தமிழ் - புத்தாக்க வளர்ச்சி, சி.குணசேகரன்
6. மாணவர்களைச் சுயவழிக் கற்றலுக்கான தயார்ப்படுத்துதலில் தகவல் தொடர்புத்
  தொழில்நுட்பப் பயன்பாடு, கோவிந்தசாமி சந்தன்ராஜ்
7. எழுதுதல் திறன் மேம்பாட்டில்  “கணினிவழிக் குறைதீர் கற்றல் கருவி”, ச. ஜாஸ்லின்
16.00-18.00 Valedictory Session | Kanian Poongundranar Arangu 

Presided by Prof. R. MEENAKSHISUNDARAM (Registrar, AnnamalaiUniversiy)  
Welcome address by Dr. Aranga. PARI (Professor of Tamil, Annamalai University)
INFITT - its founding vision and modern needs of Tamil Computing  
உத்தமம் - நிறுவனக் குறிக்கோள்களும் தமிழ்க்கணிமையின் இன்றைய தேவையும் 
மணி மு. மணிவண்ணன், தலைவர், உத்தமம்
Felicitations by 
Dr. K.M. SEKAR (Director, Department of Tamil Development, Chennai)  
Dr. K. PASUMPON (Special Officer, World Tamil Association, Madurai) 
Mr. VALLI ANANDAN (President, KanithamizhSangam, Chennai)  
Prof. N. NATARAJA PILLAI (Former Controller of Examinations, CIIL, Mysore)  
Valedictory Address by Prof. M. PONNAVAIKKO (Vice-Chancellor, S.R.M. University, Chennai)  
Vote of Thanks

தமிழ் இணைய மாநாடு 2012, அண்ணாமலைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம்
மக்கள் அரங்கு
நாள்: 28.12. 2012(வெள்ளி) பிற்பகல் 2-00 மணி முதல் 3 . 30 மணி வரை
முதல் அமர்வு:
1. உரை: முனைவர் மு.இளங்கோவன் - தமிழ் இணைய வளர்ச்சி
2. உரை: முனைவர் துரை.மணிகண்டன் - வலைப்பூ உருவாக்கம்

இரண்டாம் அமர்வு: நேரம் 3.45 மணிமுதல் 5.30 மணி வரை
கட்டுரைத் தலைப்பு, கட்டுரையாளர்
3. A Procedural approach for developing Tamil websites - S.Seethalakshmi

நாள்: 29.12. 2012(சனி) காலை 10 மணி முதல் 11.30 மணி வரை

அமர்வு 1:

·உரை: செல்வமுரளி - மின்பலகைகள் அறிமுகம், இணைய வானொலி, இணையவழித்
தொலைக்காட்சி அறிமுகம்

கட்டுரைத் தலைப்பு, கட்டுரையாளர் 
·தமிழ் வலைப்பூக்களின் தேவையும் தேக்கமும் - janakiraja
·கணினித் தமிழ் வலைப்பூக்கள் ஒரு பார்வை - இரா. பிரபாகரன்
·சமூக வலைதளங்களில் தமிழ்ப் பயன்பாடுகள்- Mani Kandan

அமர்வு 2 நேரம் பிற்பகல் 12.00 - 1.00
கட்டுரைத் தலைப்பு, கட்டுரையாளர்

1. இணையத்தில் தமிழ் இனி- Guna thamizh

2. இணையத் தமிழ் - நிறையும் குறையும்- 


3. தமிழ் இணைய விளம்பரங்கள்- M. Subramani
4. கணினித்தமிழின் இன்றைய தேவை – சிக்கலும் தீர்வும் - alagarsamy kamatchi

அமர்வு 2 நேரம் பிற்பகல் 12.00 - 1.00
கட்டுரைத் தலைப்பு, கட்டுரையாளர் 
1. தமிழ் இணைய இடுகைகள் வழிப் பண்பாட்டுப் பரிமாற்றமும்  எதிரொலிப்பும்
  - Chandra Sekaran
2. இணைய தளத்தில் விக்கிப் பீடியாவின் பங்களிப்பு- gnanathai
3. செல்போன்கள்: தமிழைப் படித்தல், எழுதுதல்- syed mohamed
4. சமூகவலைத்தளங்களில் கருத்துரிமை  - Dr.R.Subramani

அமர்வு 3 நேரம்: பிற்பகல் 2.00 – 3.30
கட்டுரைத் தலைப்பு, கட்டுரையாளர் 

1. தமிழ் இணையத்தின் வளர்ச்சி; சமூக வலைத்தளங்களில் தனிமனித செயற்பாடுகளால்
   சமூகம், பண்பாடு, கலாசாரத்தில் ஏற்படும் பாதிப்புக்கள் - சுந்தரேஸ்வரன் பிரதீப்
2. குறுஞ்செய்தி (SMS) இதழ் அறிமுகமும்- நவீன இலக்கிய உள்ளடக்கமும்
   - kurinji maindhan
3. கல்விசார் தளங்களும் வேலை வாய்ப்புத் தளங்களும் - DURAI ARASAN
4. மின்னஞ்சல் குழுக்களின் செயல்பாடுகளும், பயன்பாடுகளும் – ஒரு  மதிப்பீடு
   -- Palaniappan M

அமர்வு 4 நேரம்: பிற்பகல் 3.45 – 5.30
கட்டுரைத் தலைப்பு, கட்டுரையாளர்
தமிழ் மென்பொருள் - sudali thyagarajan
தேடுபொறி - Kavitha Kalaiselvan
திறவூற்றுத் தமிழ்மென்பொருள்கள் தன்மொழியாக்கல் - V Palani
சமூக ஊடகங்களில் தமிழ் ஊடாடல் - உறவுகள், பகிர்வுகள், அதிர்வுகள் - Anna Kannan
30.12.2012 (ஞாயிறு) அமர்வு 1 நேரம்: பிற்பகல் 10.00 – 11.30
சிறப்பு உரைகள்:
1. உரை: தகவல் உழவன் - விக்கிப்பீடியா, விக்சனரி  அறிமுகம், பங்களிப்பு
2. உரை: ஒரிசா பாலு (சென்னை)- ஆய்வுகளுக்கு இணையப் பயன்பாடு