‘Vidura’ becomes gravity centre of structural genocide on Champoor Tamils
The occupying navy of genocidal Sri Lanka has seized around 3,200 acres of lands in the territory belonging to the nation of Eezham Tamils in Champoor, Moothoor East, Trincomalee, in an attempt to upgrade the SL Navy with a marine force, which is being groomed by the U.S. Pacific Command under the notion of ‘military-to-military’ engagement. Eezham Tamils are very well aware that the USA is conducting its ‘access strategy’ through the genocidal State of Sri Lanka after altering the diplomatic, military and remedial equilibrium of the nation of Eezham Tamils, commented a Tamil activist from Champoor. “The harassment meted out to resettled Tamils in Champoor stems from the subservient military needs of the agent State in Colombo,” the activist, who has been subjected to repeated military PsyOps harassment by the occupying Sinhala military, told TamilNet on Wednesday.
Following the regime change in Colombo, 818 acres were released back to uprooted Tamils in Champoor.
Within that 818 acres, SL Navy was having its ‘Vidura’ base in 178 acres. Before releasing that part, a lot more lands were seized elsewhere in Champoor, near Villuk-ku'lam and Ka'ndiyadip-pattai (also known as Venkaayach-cheanai).
The total extent of Vidura cantonment stands today at 3,200 acres of private and public lands of Eezham Tamils, the activist said.
Agricultural lands of 85 families, to the extent of 510 acres, have been seized in the bargain of releasing the 178 acres of lands.
Ilangkai Thamizh Arasuk Kadchi (ITAK) was very well aware of the cunning approach, but didn't voice against the militarization.
The ITAK only managed to secure access to 70 acres of agricultural lands. But, that access has also been blocked now as the SL Navy has put up a fence along Villuk-ku'lam.
Villuk-ku'lam is the largest irrigation tank. There are also three minor tanks, named Eama-vadduvaan, Chaayak-karai-vadduvaan and Chu'ndik-ku'lam, used by the Tamils in the past for agriculture. The entire area, including the tanks, is now grabbed by the SL Navy for its ‘SLNS Vidura’ cantonment.
Apart from the agricultural lands, residential lands belonging to 16 families have also been taken over by the SL Navy. 35 acres of these residential lands are located to the south of Vidura cantonment. Even though there are no fences there, the SL Navy is blocking people to enter the area.
Around 1,600 acres of lands have been fenced off as High Security Zone of the Vidura cantonment. But, beyond that area an equal amount of lands have been blocked from public access around the Vidura base.
The SL Navy has also seized 5 acres of coconut grove situated along Villuk-ku'lam, the owners among the uprooted Champoor Tamils complain. An administrative building has been constructed by the SL Navy, the uprooted people further complain.
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