திங்கள், 12 ஜூன், 2017

SL Navy wants to evict Tamil sanitary workers from Manaiyaave'li, Trincomalee

SL Navy wants to evict Tamil sanitary workers from Manaiyaave'li, Trincomalee

[TamilNet, Saturday, 10 June 2017, 18:35 GMT]
Around 300 families of sanitary workers, who are all Tamils and are employed by the Trincomalee Urban Council, are being repeatedly threatened by the SL Police to leave from their residential area in Manayaveli, which is situated near the main SL Navy base in Trincomalee, the families complain. SL Policemen have been repeatedly telling the families to find other places as their lands were to be seized for ‘national security’ reasons. The poverty-stricken people, coming from the lowest echelon of the society, are now facing yet another forceful eviction if Tamil politicians, especially TNA Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan fails to attend their needs, Tamil civil sources in Trincomalee said.

20-years ago, the families were living opposite the Trincomalee General Hospital. The families, living in the area where Trincomalee Eye Clinic is now located, were evicted for the purpose of expansion of the hospital.

The families were provided ‘resettlement’ in public lands along Maniyaa-ve'li coast, accompanying other sanity workers in the suburbs of Trincomalee who were provided housing in public lands since 1942. They have been fighting for their right to lands for a long time.

Related Articles:
28.07.04   Trinco sanitary workers demonstrate for land rights

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